Create easily professional invoices from your device without Internet
Create professional invoices faster on your device staying offline!
1. No network connection needed to create invoice. No registration or login needed. The application is faster and more reliable because you can create all the invoice in offline mode.
2. Fast and simple to use
3. Optimized for phone and tablets
4. Create invoice, order, quote and credits
5. Unlimited creation of customer and products
6. Customization of the invoice : A4 / Letter format, change the labels on the invoice, add terms & conditions
7. Email share
8. Be safe : backup your data on your sdcard or on the cloud on Google Drive
9. You can use a barcode to select faster the products
10. Print support
11. Different currency are handled
12. Set discount
13. Manage paiement
You can create up to 5 invoices with the free version.
Feel free to contact me if you detect any bug or any idea of improvement.
There is a new version on itunes for iPhone on https://itunes.apple.com/app/invoice-pro/id1348714072
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